A bright and confident smile doesn’t just hinge on straight teeth, it also depends on healthy gums. If your gums are experiencing issues like moderate to severe gum disease or you have a tooth missing, it’s crucial that you find a periodontist near me as soon as possible to ensure that your oral health doesn’t continue to deteriorate.
A periodontist is a specialist in treating advanced gum disease, placing dental implants, and providing general gum care. They have received 3 to 7 years of additional training on top of their general dentist degree.
Your dentist is your first line of defense in maintaining your oral health, but if they notice that your gums are suffering from more than just plaque and mild gum disease, they may recommend you to a local periodontist. Your family doctor can also provide you with a referral. It’s best to visit a periodontist who is board-certified. You can check their credentials by visiting the American Board of Periodontology website.
It’s also a good idea to ask your periodontist about their experience with the services and procedures you need. For example, if you are suffering from a localized gum infection, it’s important to find out if your periodontist has experience with this type of issue before you decide to schedule an appointment.
Another thing to consider is whether or not your periodontist is up-to-date with the latest technology and treatment methods. This will help ensure that you get the best possible results with minimal pain and recovery time.
A periodontist can perform many different procedures, from a simple scaling and root planing to replacing a missing tooth with dental implant surgery. To determine the right procedure for you, a periodontist can use digital X-rays, laser gum treatment, and other advanced tools to diagnose and treat your gum issues.
Your periodontist can also repair your gums and jawbone after a more serious condition, such as a receding gum. They can remove the infected tissue and restore a more natural gumline with bone grafts. Besides this, they can treat other issues like thinning gums with a collagen matrix.
The key to keeping your gums healthy is regular visits to a dentist, but if you notice any signs of gum disease or have other problems, a periodontist can provide the expert care you need. If you have a hard time finding a qualified periodontist in your area, try asking for a recommendation from a dentist you trust or checking online reviews and testimonials.
You’ll want to find a periodontist near me who is experienced, certified, and up-to-date on the latest technology and treatment options. Choosing a dentist with a wide range of services is also beneficial since your needs can change over time, and you don’t want to have to start your search all over again. Moreover, you’ll be more likely to receive the highest quality care when you choose a practitioner with whom you feel comfortable.